installation Moisture Problems Movement Joints

Why is it important to use Sealant in Transition joints?

ANSWER - two reasons: 1. Transition joints are movement joints to allow expansion and contraction of the various materials. 2. Transition joints are normally areas where multiple products merge and they have a propensity to…

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cleaning Grout installation Stains stone

How to Clean Haze on Marble Tile and which grout to use

ANSWER - Deciding on whether to use sanded grout or non-sanded grout depends on the width of the grout joint and whether the tile surface is sensitive to abrasion. Non-sanded grout is designed for grout joints…

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Debonding Tile failures Hollow Sounding Tiles installation Moisture Problems Standards

How are voids beneath tiles harmful?

ANSWER - If you tap on a ceramic or stone tile with a hard dense material, like a steel ball, where the tile is not bonded it will sound hollow (lower pitch sound) than areas…

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Exterior installation Waterproofing

Any recommendations for the layers and waterproofing?

ANSWER - I'm not sure where you are starting on this project if the interior plywood is already installed, but I will give you some key steps and options. First the structure needs to be…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile installation

Can ceramic tile be laid on an epoxy floor?

ANSWER - In theory a ceramic or stone tile could be installed over an epoxy floor, but it could be problematic depending on the conditions. The substrate must be suitable and sound for the application. …

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile installation

Can you install tile over Wood?

ANSWER - Tile can be adhered to exterior glue plywood if it is for an interior application that will not be near moisture. Other types of plywood, OSB, Particle Board, and etc. are considered too…

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Grout installation stone

Is there a standard size for grout width for granite floors?

ANSWER - Grout joint width depends on how consistent is the size dimensions of the tile and how flat is the substrate it is being attached to. Should always have at least 1/8" wide grout…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile installation

Can I install new ceramic floor tiles over existing ceramic tile?

ANSWER - There is a lot to installing a tile correctly so I can only briefly answer your questions and give you references. You can install ceramic tile over properly prepared existing ceramic tile if…

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installation stone Wet Areas

Use silicone to attach marble in a shower?

ANSWER - 100% Silicone sealants can bond extremely well. It could bond the stone to the shower substrate and you would only need about 10% coverage to get an adequate attachment, but the problem would…

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