CTaSC Inspector

If you have the experience and  the commitment to quality reporting, register to become a CTaSC Inspector for your geographic area.  If you qualify, CTaSC will subcontract job site inspections to you.  You will be paid to visit the job site, inspect the areas of concern, fill out a CTaSC job inspection form and give your opinion.  CTaSC will then evaluate the information, make the final conclusions and recommendations, and provide a formalized professional report to the client.

If necessary, you will be retained for further job site follow up and litigation testimony. Compensation will be high and will be determined on a case by case basis.

To be a CTaSC Inspector you must be “ITS Verified” through the University of Ceramic Tile and Stone (UofCTS).  To take the online Tile Installer Thin-set Standards (ITS) Verification course to learn the industry installation standards and methods go to the University of Ceramic Tile and Stone  or the ITS Verification online course.

CTaSC Trainer

If you have the ability and experience to provide quality training in any of the areas of hands on installation training, stone and tile product knowledge, sales skills, etc. then register to become a CTaSC Trainer for your geographic area.  To qualify you must have the ability and experience to provide highly professional and quality presentations in front of large groups, and most importantly, be effective at teaching to ensure the students leave with the intended knowledge and enthusiasm that enables them to be the best they can be.  If you qualify, CTaSC will subcontract training courses to you.  CTaSC will provide all content and handouts for the courses.  Course guidelines must be strictly followed, although your personal touch, style, and experience is expected and welcomed.  As a trainer you will have to thoroughly prepare and practice to ensure a high quality outcome.  Compensation will be high and will be determined on a case by case basis.

CTaSC Business Planning Services Consultant

If you have the ability and experience to provide quality services in market research, various marketing outsourcing services, or any business planning services, then register to become a CTaSC Business Consultant for your geographic area.  To qualify you must have the ability and experience to provide highly professional, quality work, and most importantly, be creative.  If you qualify, CTaSC will subcontract assignments to you.  CTaSC will provide guidelines and establish quality control standards. Compensation will be high and will be determined on a case by case basis.