Ceramic and Porcelain Tile cleaning Maintenance sealers

How to control dusty foot prints on sealed outdoor saltillo tile

ANSWER - I would have to guess that the reason you are getting dusty foot prints on your Saltillo tiles is because either it doesn't have a sealer on it or the sealer you have on…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile selection

What to select for a Ceramic Tile for Countertop

ANSWER - Glazed ceramic tiles are considered the most suitable for kitchen countertops because the glazed surface is somewhat impervious and more stain resistant. Porcelain tile is a type of a ceramic tile. Most glazed…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile selection

Is there a specific kind of tile for wall around the wood stove?

ANSWER - Any type of a clay based ceramic tile, which includes porcelain tile, is suitable around heat. Most quality ceramic tiles are fired in kilns near 2,000 degrees F, so they can withstand the…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile cleaning Maintenance

Is There an Easy Way to Clean Glazed Ceramic Tile?

ANSWER - I normally do recommend using a sealer on a glazed tile just to help avoid the maintenance problem you are experiencing.  Glazed tiles do not absorb, but if you apply a penetrating sealer…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile cleaning Stains

How do I get rid of marks on glossy Saltillo Tiles?

ANSWER - Chances are the spider web black stains are due to the shiny surface sealer having micro cracks and dirt has collected within it.  It is possible that the sealer can get warm and flow,…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile cleaning Maintenance sealers

Why is my Porcelain Tile turning dull when cleaned?

ANSWER - There are a lot of questions you need to answer to determine what is causing your tile to turn dull.  Is it an unglazed, polished or glazed porcelain tile? Was there any type…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile Removal sealers

How do I clean grout sealer off porcelain tiles?

ANSWER - Sealers cannot be removed with acidic products and regular cleaners.  You need to use a sealer stripper.  You should contact the manufacturer of the sealer, if you know who made it, and ask what…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile installation

Can ceramic tile be laid on an epoxy floor?

ANSWER - In theory a ceramic or stone tile could be installed over an epoxy floor, but it could be problematic depending on the conditions. The substrate must be suitable and sound for the application. …

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile cleaning Maintenance

Tile Edges Stained does glaze normally get darker from foot traffic?

ANSWER - I assume you have a glazed porcelain ceramic tile. It is true that tile surfaces with a texture or an undulating surface will tend to pick up or trap dirt in its crevices.…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile installation

Can you install tile over Wood?

ANSWER - Tile can be adhered to exterior glue plywood if it is for an interior application that will not be near moisture. Other types of plywood, OSB, Particle Board, and etc. are considered too…

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