The fabricator has installed granite countertops that are cracked all the way through and along the counter. They are saying that is normal because it’s such a delicate stone. Can you please advise me?ANSWER
ANSWER - The Natural Stone Institute, formally the Marble Institute of America, Dimension Stone Design Manual states that "Cracks occur in stones as a result of man-made mechanically induced stresses during handling, fabrication, transport, or installation."When cracks are detected prior to fabrication in slab material with lesser soundness properties, it is common practice to repair the cracks by cementing them together with epoxy or a polyester resin, either with or without dowel reinforcement. Although the repaired cracks should not be noticeable.
I have a similar issue with quartzite stone where fabricator did not offer to view the slab in advance and several of the cut pieces have a significant amount of epoxy patching and filling, several square inches in a few locations and 1/8’’ to 1/4’’ deep with translucent epoxy. The crack runs the whole width of the slab and is visible in the profile. What is allowable by industry standard?
I doubt it is a true quartzite as it is a type of natural stone that doesn’t have voids that need filling like some marbles, limestones and travertines do.
As stated above as long as the repaired cracks are not noticeable it is acceptable to repair them.