Grout sealers

Will painting grout with acrylic latex paint work?

ANSWER - You should not use a latex paint over your existing grout joints, because it won't provide adequate coverage over the existing color, nor will it last. There are special products called "Grout Colorants"…

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installation sealers stone

How do I finish the edge of marble so it shines?

ANSWER - There are several ways to treat the exposed edge of a marble. Most commonly the edge can be ground to a rounded bullnose edge and polished. Or at a lower expense you can…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile sealers

Is there a finish for countertops to give a glazed smooth surface?

ANSWER - Ceramic tile is not made with the intentions of it being coated or painted. There are many different types of ceramic tile, but I will assume you have glazed ceramic tile on your…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile sealers stone

Seal or not seal tile, particularly porcelain tile?

ANSWER - Sealers are normally only recommended for very porous ceramic tile and stone to minimize staining and to make it easier to maintain the product. With caution, sealers can be applied to more dense…

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cleaning Moisture Problems sealers stone

Can you recommend sandstone-specific sealer products?

ANSWER - You should experiment with several sealers that are recommended for your application to see which performs the best. If the stone is crumbling that may be an indication that the stone is spalling…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile sealers

Is there a high-heat ceramic paint product you could recommend?

ANSWER - There is no paint per se manufactured for ceramic tile. Normally what bonds the best to a clean surface of ceramic tile is epoxy paint. Some epoxy paints do have a relatively high…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile sealers Visual

Recommendations for wet look Sealer for hearth?

ANSWER - I assume you must have an unglazed (throughbody) ceramic tile.  It is not clear how absorbing the tile body is, but you must consider the tiles’ absorption when you select a sealer. There…

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Ceramic and Porcelain Tile Grout sealers

Any grout colorant to change color of epoxy grout?

ANSWER - There are epoxy based grout colorants that you can purchase to apply over an epoxy grout or a cement grout to change the color. Go to our website at to find Resources…

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sealers stone

What color enhancer is best for natural stone?

ANSWER - Enhancers are sealers for relatively porous stones or tiles to give it somewhat of a wet look; not necessarily with a sheen finish. For stone it is important that it is a penetrating…

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