How To Clean alcohol stains from Granite tile table?


How To Clean a Stain from Granite Stone - Hi, I have a granite tile table. It has stained with alcohol stains. Could you tell me how this is removed, or do you provide a service to fix this. And how much would it cost.


ANSWER - True granite stone is normally very resistant to staining.  There are some stones sold as granite that are not true granites and they could be more susceptible to staining.  Some overburden stone (layers near the earth surface) will tend to be less stable and more absorbing.  There are poultices that can be purchased through stone cleaner manufacturing companies that is applied in a way that can draw the stains out if it is the type of stain that can be removed that way.

Some of these less stable granites are treated with resin at their processing plants to stabilize the stone during its shipping and fabrication.  So these resins enhance the color of the stone and some resins can be removed or smudged with a solvent like alcohol.  You would need to try to get a stone fabricator or renovator to see if they could treat the area and blend it in with the rest of the stone.

Some alcohols can etch the surface of a softer polished surface. Sometimes glasses that had alcohol in them can leave rings on some softer polished surfaces.  Again true granites are normally very resistant to chemicals.

You could experiment by contacting some stone cleaner manufacturers and experiment with their cleaning products.  Go to our website at to Expert Answers to find Resources and click on Cleaners and Sealers for a list of manufacturers with links to their website.

Best bet would be to contact a local stone restoration company and asking them to evaluate and experiment to see if they can clean your stone table.  Good luck.

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