What should I use to Protect My Grout from Painting?


What should I use to Protect My Grout from Painting? I just had new counter tops and backsplash installed. They have grouted the backsplash. We are now going to paint the kitchen walls. I know it will be hard to get tape to stick to grout to prevent paint staining the edges of the grout. Should we seal the edges before painting? If yes, what should we use? We thought of clear nail polish but not sure that will work. Thank you for your help.


ANSWER - It would be a good idea to seal your grout even if you were not going to paint near it. The sealer will help protect the grout from the paint sticking to it, but you still should use blue masking tape to isolate it. You can also take a wide putty trowel and hold it against the tile or grout as you paint adjacent to it. You can find a list of sealer manufacturers on our website under Resources and Links and then under cleaners and sealers at https://ctasc.com/.docs/pg/324. You can consider using a sealer like Miracle 511 Impregnator, but make sure you follow the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions. Good Luck.

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