How do you remove a sealer from a tile?


How do you remove a sealer from a tile? - I have a porcalin tile floor which was sealed with Miracle 511 impregnator sealer,and want to remove it.I have tried almost everything PLEASE Help. Thank you


ANSWER - The best way to determine how to remove a sealer is to contact the manufacturer.  Miracle Sealants is listed on our website at in Resources under Expert Answers, in Cleaners and Sealers for a link to their website.

I'm not sure why you would want to remove it from a porcelain tile floor, because having it on the tile is beneficial.  If you are having a problem because the floor feels sticky and is hard to maintain that is normally caused by applying too much sealer and not wiping the excess off before it dries.  Generally speaking to fix this problem you can apply more of the same sealer that acts as a solvent to the sealer on the floor and dissolves the sticky layer.  Immediately while it is still damp use a lint free cloth and buff it dry.

Again, the only way to know how to remove any particular type of sealer is by contacting the manufacturer of that sealer.

2 thoughts on “How do you remove a sealer from a tile?

  1. Terry Seiler says:

    I put a sealer down on a dark brown tile floor. I think I put the sealer on too thick , when it’s wet it looks great but when it dries it looks like it has a haze over it

  2. Donato Pompo says:

    If you apply a non-breathable sealer over a tile, and if there is a high level of moisture beneath the tile, it can cause a whitish appearance. This is because moisture is being trapped and not being allowed to evaporate through the surface of the tile.

    Or perhaps the haze is due to a contaminate that got on the sealer before it dried? Or perhaps because the sealer was put on so thick it created a textured surface?

    You can try taking some of the same sealer applying over it to dissolve the top coating as a solvent and then immediately buff the surface dry.

    You can also use a sealer stripper to remove the sealer. It is best to use the stripper provided by the manufacturer of the sealer. If you don’t know what type of sealer was used there are some sealer strippers that can be used to remove most types of sealers.

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