How do I restore a ceramic tile that has concrete over it?


How do I restore a ceramic tile that has concrete over it? When removing old plastic tiles i came to notice there was concrete on top of the old clay tiles, i want to restore the clay tiles, is there any way of removing this quick and easy with out the need for acid??


 ANSWER - If there is a thick layer of concrete on top of the tile then you have to carefully chisel it off until there is only a cementitious film that remains.  This process could damage the tile surface depending on what type of tile is there, what type of concrete is on the tile, how well the concrete is bonded to the tile surface, and how resistant the tile is to those resultant stresses.
Normally diluted sulphamic or  phosphoric acid is used to remove cement film from tile surfaces.  If you use too strong of an acid it can etch/damage the tile surface.

If the tile is an unglazed tile that is very dense, then you might be able to grind the concrete off.  This may or may not cause damage to the tile.

There is no quick and easy method.

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