Are there sealer enhancers for Travertine that won't make the stone more slippery?


Are there sealer enhancers for Travertine that won't make the stone more slippery? We have a travertine pool deck and want to color enhance it but not change the matte finish. We are concerned about making the pool deck slippery.
Any suggestion?


ANSWER - There are products for sealing and enhancing stone that are penetrating sealers and provides a somewhat matt finish. If you go to our website at and from the left menu select Resources and Links and then select Cleaners and Sealers there is a list of manufacturers with links to their websites. Miracle Sealants has an enhancer and Aqua Mix has an enhancer, and others probably do to who are listed on the page. Read the data sheets, but generally speaking they say these types of products do not make them more slippery and in some cases they claim it will make the tile more slip resistant. Good Luck.

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