How can I remove the Drip Lines on my Quartz Stone in my Shower?


I 'm told by a gentleman working for my home builder that I have a simulated quartz shower surround. I care about being neat, but I had only thoroughly cleaned my shower once a week in the past other than wiping down the glass.

I have not installed a water softener system in my new home. It was a while before I noticed drip line on the surround hat seemed difficult, if not impossible, to remove. I had been using CLR spray and also the gel spray, then switched to a non bleach Clorox spray, then sprayed and added elbow grease. The drip lines seem a little less apparent, but I would appreciate any suggestions on removing these dripline stains. Thanks


ANSWER - Quartz Stone is a man-made material that is about 90% natural quartz suspended in a resin base.

Natural stone and quartz stone can be affected by various chemicals.  The chemicals whether very acidic or very alkaline can cause staining or etching of the  stone.  So you have to be very careful on what cleaners you use on stone.

The drip lines sounds like the quartz has been etched, which can't be cleaned off.  It can be removed by refinishing the stone surface.  There are polishing kits that are sold that may or may not work well.  You can hire a professional stone restoration company to come out and polish the surface to remove those marks.

For website links to companies who manufacture and sell stone cleaning products, click on the following link:  Cleaners and Sealers

2 thoughts on “How can I remove the Drip Lines on my Quartz Stone in my Shower?

  1. Thomas E. Wheeler says:

    Thank you. So for cleaning the quartz routinely, are we talking a
    Bath cleaner with bleach or continue with CLR.? I don’t understand the page I was referred to. For routine maintenance
    What do you recommend?

  2. Donato Pompo says:

    First of all never use household products for cleaning the quartz stone or any stone. First you should go to the manufacturer of the quartz stone and following their guidelines for maintaining the stone. If you can’t find out who the manufacturer is, then go to the manufacturers of stone cleaners to follow their recommendations for maintenance. The link I provided you in the above message is a link to a page that has a list of manufacturers of cleaners for stone with links to their websites.

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